Countless hours of research have gone into the compilation of information on this site. As I move forward, I will compile lists of those resources I have used to gather information below:

Alberta Local History Books Online

University of Calgary Digital Collections is now hosting local and Alberta histories from Our Roots and Our Future, Our Past collections: Available here!

  • Internet Archive also has select Alberta local histories which can be signed out

Homestead Resources

Important Works


One Room Schools


Online Census

Online newspapers (Free)


Rural Post Offices

Other Important Resources

All content and photos on

Copyright © 2009-2023·

All rights reserved

Questions?  Click here to reach Jonathan Koch.



      Proud to be Albertan.

14 Replies to “Resources”

  1. I have desperately trying to find when my Dad purchased his land in Balzac, all I have been able to find are caveats with his name in 1927.
    The legal of his land was NW 1/4 of 25 of 25 of 1 W5.
    What is confusing to me is that he received a letter in 1946 from Imperial Oil stating he held the mineral rights. But I cannot find proof of ownership.
    Can someone guide me to how of find this information. I have been to land titles & there is nothing there!

  2. Does anyone have information related to L J RANCH, Bow Island.
    I have an old Winchester rifle with that carved on the stock.
    Very interesting…the rifle was manufactured in 1912, the founding date of Bow Island !

  3. How do I obtain a copy of Wind, Willows and Prairie Wool, 1867-1967 A centennial project by the Farm Women’s Union of Alberta Naco local

  4. Since the Spring I have been looking to find early Alberta newspapers back on-line but the message is always that its “coming soon.” Do you have a better time-line for this?

  5. Hello,

    I too am looking for Wind, Willows and Prairie Wool as my family is talked about in the book. I clicked the link but it’s no longer valid. Could you help me please?

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